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NetSync Configuration Instructions

ReQuest’s unique NetSync architecture allows the customer’s music collection and playlists to synchronize to their units anywhere in the world over the Internet. This is very useful if the customer has multiple homes or work environments where they want complete access to their entire music collection. It is also ideal for commercial applications with multiple franchise locations.


  1. Before proceeding with the NetSync, please note that all media on the client unit will be replaced with the media that is on the specified server/master unit.  The collections do not combine and the client unit behaves as an exact copy of the master.  Any media on the client that does not match the master WILL BE DELETED.
  2. Design your installation with each location having at least one Master unit. This makes it so that only one unit NetSyncs over the Internet saving bandwidth and time. All local Clients NetSync with the master. Even if you only plan on having one client at a location, it should be a Master for future expansion.
  3. The Master must be the unit with the highest software version if the units that are part of the NetSync are on different operating systems.  1.9.32 (QNX) cannot be a Client or Master to a Serious Play unit.
  4. Broadband connection is required at each location.
  5. Every location should have a router to distribute all the information correctly, and provides a firewall to keep out hackers from the network. The router needs to have the capability of port forwarding and ARQLink setup.
  6. Use ARQLink to manage your Multi-Location NetSync projects. ARQLink automatically tracks IP addresses even if they change dynamically by the ISP.
  7. It is HIGHLY recommended when initially syncing a large collection for a multi-location job to first do a local NetSync.  This saves significant network bandwidth and your time, since NetSyncing terabytes of music over the Internet can potentially take weeks to complete. It is suggested that Multi-Location NetSyncing only be used for incremental additions and changes to a music collection, where data transfer sizes are more manageable (<~600 MB).
For perspective, a single song can be anywhere from 15 MB (MP3) to 60 MB (WAV), and multiplying that by about 10 for an album. On a solid broadband connection, 3 minutes per song, or half an hour per album is typical.

 Terminology Chart

Between different Operating Systems our terminology has evolved.  To better assist in understanding instructions based on the software version, follow the chart below:
 Unit that controls the media content.  Media can be added and removed and metadata modified by the user.
Unit that is a copy of the main unit.  Media cannot be modified in anyway by the user.  Any modifications happen automatically in the NetSync process to match the main unit.
Software 1.9.32 or lower
Software 2.X.X
Software 3.X.X or higher

 Port Forwarding

In order to have the units NetSync between two locations, the ports must be forwarded at the Pro location.  It is recommended to forward ports at both locations for remote access, but only required for the Pro:
Software 1.9.32 or lower

  • NetSync 4665
  • Web: 80 (default)
  • Control: 3663
Software 2.X.X

  • NetSync: 4665
  • Diagnostics: 22
  • Web: 80 (default)
  • Control: 3663
  • Flash: 3660
Software 3.X.X or higher
  • Diagnostics/Software Update: 22
  • Web 80 (default)
  • Control: 3663
  • Flash: 3660
To Port Forward, follow our How to Port Forward guide for instructions

 Configure to Report to ARQLink

For NetSyncing, it is highly recommended to NetSync using ARQLink regardless of the NetSync being between units on the same network or over the web.  To create an ARQLink account and configure your unit to report to that account, follow our ARQLink Consumer Management Guide.  Using the first three sections in the guide you can create an account, set the server to report to that account and confirm that the unit has reported successfully to the account.  You will only need one ARQLink account for all the units that belong to the one customer.

Repeat this for each unit that will be part of the NetSync configuration.

 Configure Client/Zone

ReQuest no longer offers units that are configured as a Zone only.  If you wish to have a unit behave as a client/zone, In the case of a Pro, you would need to manually configure the server as a client/zone.  These servers would include: ARQ2 Pro, Fusion Pro, Nitro Pro, Tera Pro, N.Series, F.Series, S.Series and IMS.Series (iQ).  Instructions below for units running SPOS.

Open the Web Server

Click on Settings

 From the Drop Down pick NetSync.

 To change a Pro/Master to a Client, change the NetSync Mode to Client and click Submit.

 Once the unit is set as a Client, or is already a Client, set NetSync Master Location to Use ARQLink.

 It is recommended to set to Automatic Sync Interval to Client Specified if there are no Task Manager start and end times.  Otherwise if there are restricted times to perform Task Manager tasks, set to Server Specified.  If set to Manual, the NetSync would have to be manually initiated each time.

 Adjust the Client Inverval (days) to how often the NetSync should check for changes when set to Client Specified.  If set to Server Specified, by default it will check every five minutes.

 Adjust the Maximum Transfer Rate if the network connection is slow (DSL or Satellite).

 Submit after setting all settings.

 Update ARQLink to Specify NetSync Master

Once both servers are configured with the ARQLink user name and password, open your browser go to www.arqlink.com

Type in the user name and password.

Once the ARQLink account loads, click on the Account name on the left.  You will see all the units displayed in the center of the screen.  The Client unit will have a drop down box for NetSync Master.  Pick the Name of the Master unit.

 Once selected, click on Update.

 Initiate the NetSync on Client

Software 1.9.32 or lower

Using the IR remote and viewing the video output of the client unit (or LCD if applicable), press Menu -> NetSync -> Begin NetSync Now.  Select OK when warned "About to sync database!"
Software 2.X.X

Using the IR remote and viewing the video output of the client unit (or LCD if applicable), press Menu -> NetSync -> Begin NetSync Now.  Select OK when warned "About to sync database!
Software 3.X.X or higher
 Using the IR remote and viewing the video output of the client unit (or LCD if applicable), press Menu -> NetSync -> Start NetSync.


Load the web server and click on Settings -> Pick Task Manager from the drop down -> Click on Start for NetSync® Client.

See also