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Advanced Web Server Editing w/ Foxreplace

Foxreplace is a helpful add-on tool to the Firefox web browser that allows editing/replacing multiple fields on a web page at once.

  Installing Foxreplace

In Firefox, go to the "Tools" menu and select "Add-ons".

Type in "Foxreplace" in the sarch bar. Once found, click "Add to Firefox".

Click "Install Now" to agree to the installation. Restart Firefox once done.

 Web Server Settings

When viewing items on the web server, by default 20 items (rows) are shown per page. When doing a lot of editing, it may be helpful to increase this. To do so, in the web server settings under "Web Site" select the drop down next to "Web Site Browse Lines".

Using Foxreplace

To utilize Foxreplace, select the "Edit All" feature as normal.

All of the fields on that page will now become editable.

In the "Edit" menu select "Replace".

  On the bottom of the browser, there are fields to enter text to search/replace

The search/replace will be applied to any editable field on the page.

See also