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ARQLink Dealer Management

For dealers to access multiple consumer accounts through a master account, contact ReQuest via the support form at request.com/support/supportform.asp with the following information:

  • ReQuest Account Number
  • Dealer Name
  • Primary Contact First & Last Name
  • Primary Email Address

 ARQLink Dealer Account
  Open your web browser and go to www.arqlink.com.  This is the same log-in page for both consumers and dealers.
  Log in using your Dealer ARQLink Account log-in credentials.  Your username will determine if the account is a Dealer or Consumer Account.
  Once logged in, your log-in can be identified as a Dealer account by the top right.  Along the top are all the available links to navigate the Dealer Account.
  The Accounts link has additional drop downs to shortcut to certain sections including Accounts Summary, Add Existing Account and Create New Account.
  The Sections link also has additional drop downs to shortcut to certain sections including Default Display, Accounts Summary, Reporting Options, Add Existing Account, Create and Add New Client, and Account.
  Any existing linked consumer accounts will appear on the left Accounts tree.

 ARQLink Dealer Account - Home Page
 On the main page, any recent announcements will appear under the Announcements from ReQuest.
 Below the Annoucements section is a list of all units that may require attention and why they may require attention under the Open Issues column.
  Below the Units that May Need Attention is a list of all units that are running well.
  At the bottom of the page is a section where you can edit the Main Dealer Account Settings.  Fields such as log in account name, contact information, email address and password can be modified in this section.

 ARQLink Dealer Account - Account Page
  On the Account page, the top Accounts Summary section displays all consumer accounts registered to this Dealer Account.  Information includes account name, description and number of devices.
  Below the Accounts Summary is the Reporting Options section.  This section is available to specify what circumstances to receive alerts for units with potential problems.  You can choose from:
  • Never Report - Never receive any email notification or dynamic list of units that fail due to this criteria.
  • Show but don't email - Show the dynamic list of units that fail due to this criteria, but do not email.
  • Email once - Show the dynamic list of units that fail due to this criteria and receive one email notice.
  • Email repeatedly - Show the dynamic list of units that fail due to this criteria and also receive emails as a reminder until resolved.
The last two options include what email address to use and frequency of email reminders if Email repeatedly is chosen for any of the criteria.
  Below the Reporting Options section is the ability to Add Existing Accounts.  All that is needed to add an existing consumer account is the Account Name used during log-in, Password and a free form Descriptions to aid in keeping track of the accounts.
  The last section is a quick tool to create a Create and Add New Client Account for any new user.  Fill in the standard registration information to create and add the account to your Dealer Account in one step.

See also